Resultadu Selesaun Dokumentus Vaga Diretur Tekniku ANC

Resultadu Selesaun Dokumentus (Short-Listing) Ministériu Transporte no Komunikasaun (MTC) anunsia ba publiku kandidatu sira nebe’e maka pasa ka liu ona fase shortlisting ka selesaun dokumentus ba vaga Diretor Tékniku ba Regulasaun Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (ANC) nian nebe’e publika iha…

Extend advertisement: Vacancies

The National Communications Authority (ANC) of Timor-Leste is seeking an experienced and energetic technical professional in the following position: Senior Engineer – Spectrum Management and Monitoring This vacancy is open to both National and International applicants. The senior engineer is…

Vacancies (Re-advertisement)

The Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (ANC) of Timor-Leste invites applications for the following position: Legal Advisor (1 position) The legal advisor will provide a range of legal assistance to the ANC that includes drafting undertakings and regulatory instruments, reviewing compliances,…

Calendario para Intervista

No Nome dos Candidatos No. Códico de Candidatos Data de Intervista Horas de Intervista Obeservação Grupo de intervista da manhã 1 Hugo A. da Costa Ximenes A110 27-10-2015 08.30 – 12.00 Informatica 2 Barnabe Sales do Carmo C105 27-10-2015 08.30…